DisplayPort is the new Ultimate Digital Connection which has been developed by the
Electronics Standards Association (VESA). It combines simplicity along with
a high bandwidth interface that can achieve greatness like no other electronic connection.
Designed to work on all devices and with older technology, DisplayPort is slowly making the
rounds and will soon be turning up on computers, monitors and many other consumer electronic

While DisplayPort and HDMI can do virtually the same thing, they each have their own focus and
go about achieving audio/video superiority two very different ways. HDMI has a big focus on Home Theater
setups including Audio/Video equipment and HDTV's. DisplayPort, on the other hand, has it's focus
on PC's which is achieved by offering the largest resolutions, high refresh rates and the greatest
color depth around. By focusing on the personal computer market, which includes laptops and other
portable devices, DisplayPort can start replacing the aging DVI and SVGA standards. These standards are
slowly being phased out in favor of the superior DisplayPort standard.
UPDATED: December 22, 2009. DisplayPort Version 1.2 was approved. Of the numerous improvements made, the
most significant has been the doubling of effective bandwidth from 8.64 Gbit/s to 17.28 Gbit/s. This will allow
for increased screen resolutions, higher refresh rates, along with improved color depth. Included in this update
are other fantastic features: multiple independent video streams (which will allow multiple monitors to be
daisy-chained together), more support for stereoscopic 3D, and increased bandwidth for the AUX channel.